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Redefining Talent

Industria is an education company committed to developing and nurturing the industry-ready talent of tomorrow. Our mission is to equip the next generation with the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to excel in their chosen fields and meet the demands of a rapidly evolving workforce.




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Unemployable Graduates in India


Skill Mismatch

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Outdated Curriculum


Lack of
Vocational Learning

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Abhishek, Maharashtra 

“As someone who is about to enter the IT services industry in the HR vertical this course has genuinely helped me out a lot. I would sincerely recommend it to anyone looking to enter into HR in IT "
Human Resources in IT Services Industry

Preeyas, Odisha 

"As someone who has been working in the space for 10 plus years I can completely accept that this course has taught me a lot of things I didn't know previously"
Human Resources in IT Services Industry

Alexander, Kerala

“Very good course! instructor was great and easy to follow, the visuals were also so nicely done, it was really a fun experience.”
Human Resources in IT Services Industry
  • Why is it important to gain industry specific information?
    Gaining industry-specific knowledge is essential because each sector presents unique operational dynamics. For instance, marketing strategies differ between FMCG and automobile companies.
  • Will I receive a certification?
    Yes, All learners who successfully finish their course will receive completion certificates, which will also highlight their areas of specialization.
  • Who are these courses meant for?
    Industria's courses are crafted with flexibility in mind, catering to college students, recent corporate entrants, seasoned professionals seeking industry shifts, aspiring entrepreneurs, and established business owners alike. They are designed to accommodate individuals from various backgrounds who wish to delve into industries of their interest.
  • How long are the courses?
    Although the length of each course may differ, our team strives to minimize duration while ensuring all important information is covered. The course description will specify the duration, preventing learners from making larger time commitments than anticipated.
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